Physical Literacy - Session 18
Having built a foundation of strength, power and muscular endurance you should be able to now complete the SAQ drills more fluidly and faster! By working out consistently and holistically, you should see improvements build on each other and cross over into the way you can move, turn and sprint.
In order to see if you have made progress, you are going to have to push yourself and give maximum effort in this workout. You need to know what your times are when trying your hardest and scoring high on the RPE scale. When you give your best effort, you are not only helping yourself but you’re also acting as a role model for others to follow!
- Call your life play – on a scale of 1-5 how are you feeling today?
- What are some exercises from earlier sessions that you think have helped you with your SAQ? Why?
- Shout outs: Can anyone remember a time when someone showed us what it looks like to Get There during a session? What did they do/what did it look like?
This warm-up is great to prepare for sessions focused on speed, power and plyometrics. View in the Warm-Up Library.
Demonstrate each exercise to make sure students remember how to complete each run.
There are a lot of variations for this session, beyond just changing reps/sets. Students should be given some options to choose from!
- Change the direction of their running/how they move through the run – lateral, backwards, carioca, jumps, hops, skips etc.
- Increase or decrease distance between markers
- Incorporate different starting positions: lying down, sitting, facing away, etc.
- Set a time limit to see how many rounds they can do before time is up
- Make the runs competitive through races or best times, either individual in pairs or small groups
Students should utilize their fitness journal to document their times for each variation and RPE. Click on each exercise for a video demonstration.
This cool down offers a chance to lay down after a tough workout, with students taking some deep breaths and stretching tired muscles. View in the Cool Down Library.
- Call your life play – on a scale of 1-5 how are you feeling after this session?
- On a scale of 1-3, how would you rate your Get There efforts today? Why did you give it that score?
- What variation did you choose for today’s session and why?
- What was the hardest part of the session for you and why?